March 28, 2023  •  Weekly Newsletter
Judy L. Shelton (Wall Street Journal)

Inadequate supply, relative to massive spending-induced demand, spurred the inflation we have now. But why is Chairman Powell’s destruction of that demand through ‘emergency’ interest-rate hikes the answer? What about increasing supply through stronger economic activity? READ MORE »
Steve H. Hanke, Barry W. Poulson (National Review)

A Switzerland-style debt brake, dealt into the Constitution by an Article V convention, would fit the bill very nicely. READ MORE »
Jeffrey A. Tucker (Brownstone Institute)

How did Donald Trump come to be the president who crushed the economy he was trying to revive—for what turned out to be a manageable respiratory virus? The answer might surprise you. READ MORE »
David T. Beito (Washington Examiner)

A worthy item on the agenda of any modern coalition seeking to defend the Bill of Rights? An all-out effort to curb “sedition” and “domestic terrorism” prosecutions. The laws already protecting life, property, and person are more than enough to keep us safe. READ MORE »
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Opportunities at Independent

David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy.  Independent Institute welcomes nominations and applications for the David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy, named in honor of the late founder of Independent. The holder of the chair ensures that all research activities have intrinsic intellectual merit in the service of Independent’s mission. READ MORE »
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