We’re coming up on another critical election year in 2024 and Republicans have made their priorities crystal clear: more attacks on the freedom to vote. 

We’ve got big plans.

As Republican voter suppression attacks in Georgia ramped up in March, we fought back — and we need the strength of this grassroots movement alongside us so we can continue to.

We’re not surprised by the recent voter suppression bills in Georgia. Extremists know how critical of a battleground state Georgia will be in the national political landscape. And they’re making every effort to restrict the voting process between now and the next election — especially for Black, brown, and young voters who have been left out of the political process far too many times. 

Here at Fair Fight, we have a game plan to combat Republican voter suppression attempts, and it depends on grassroots support from activists like you. Take a look:

⇨ Expand voting access by advocating at the local level
⇨ Endorse and support more pro-democracy candidates
⇨ Produce voter education materials to counter disinformation 
⇨ Train hundreds of Democracy Warriors to reach voters ahead of elections 
⇨ Challenge groups that engage in voter suppression and disinformation in court
⇨ Reach young voters with informative and compelling social media content about making our voices heard at the ballot box

This plan is just a small part of how we’ll ensure eligible voters can access the ballot box freely and fairly in 2024. And the actions we take right now count.

That’s why hitting our $30,000 goal before our end-of-month fundraising deadline Friday at midnight is so critical, so we can scale up our efforts in the critical months ahead. And we’ve still got $7,946 to go. Can you make a donation to help get the resources we need to keep up this important fight?

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:

Chip in $5
Chip in $25
Chip in $50
Chip in $100
Chip in $250

Thanks so much,

The Fair Fight Team