Rex Sinquefield's Newest Investment:
Our Attorney General

Rex Sinquefield is a billionaire. He made it big on the stock market.

He spends a lot of money on our government to get rid of public education, cut corporate taxes, and privatize St. Louis's airport.

Now he's using his money to buy an Attorney General.

Sinquefield has given three checks to our Attorney General in the last year, each one for $250,000. That's a total of $750,000.

The first check came when Sinquefield had business with the office. Sinquefield supported a statewide ballot initiative called "Better Together" to combine St. Louis City and County and eliminate a tax that Sinquefield has tried for years to get rid of.

The Attorney General had to approve the ballot language. The language came with a check of $250,000 to the Attorney General's PAC.

The second check came right after we announced that we were smashing grassroots fundraising records two quarters ago.

The third came after we did it again this last quarter.

Who gives $750,000 to an Attorney General campaign? Someone with a whole lot to gain, and someone who thinks they're about to lose.

For years, these big money donors knew they could win. The fight was money against money, and they always had more.

What they didn't expect was someone to change the game, to hold over 360 meetings in a year, to fight back with People.

We're doing something unprecedented in Missouri. You know we can't do it alone.

Can you ask 5 friends to donate this week? It doesn't have to be much.

When you do, I get to call your friends and say thanks, and ask them for their ideas for Missouri, and maybe they'll call five more people, and, when all the calls are done and all the doors are knocked and all the votes are counted, we'll have an Attorney General who actually represents us.

Press the button and send the donation page to 5 people.

Our Donation Page

Got someone with questions? Let me know and I'll call them!
Just email me back.

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  • Elad is receiving endorsements from all over the state, and you can endorse him too! It only takes a minute. Tell Missouri why you support Elad for Attorney General.
  • Elad attended the Missouri Democratic Party quarterly meeting. He endorsed a proposed resolution for the Party to support conservation efforts in our state and oppose environmental racism. The resolution was proposed by Party treasurer Cydney Mayfield and it was adopted.
  • Elad joined custodial workers in St. Louis to support their fight for a living wage.
  • Want to help us ban dark money in our elections? Sign our petition to support the End Dark Money Act!
  • Our wonderful campaign treasurer Alicia celebrated her birthday this weekend!
Elad will be in St. Louis, St. Charles, and Gasconade County in the next few weeks. Save the evening of February 11 for an Attorney General candidate town hall in St. Louis (it's also Elad's birthday)!

See all of our events on the website.
Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Alicia Smith, Treasurer

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PO Box 21666
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